Tag Archives: discipline

Make It Happen!

Just thought I’d do a quick post…

I went to my favorite Power Pump class at the gym Saturday morning.  It is such an awesome class!  I work every muscle in my body to the MAX!  It’s insane.  Love it though….time well spent, that’s for sure!

The lady that teaches the class is 5 foot, nothin’ and I’m sure she doesn’t weigh more than 100 pounds.  She is so tiny and buff and is probably pushin’ 50 or so!  She really motivates me!

Anyway, while I was working out, I had some deep thoughts I thought I would share.

Nothing earth shattering, but just some things that made me think.

I realized we have all been given just one life, one body.  What we choose to do with the time we’ve been given is up to us.  I’m not just talkin’ “health”, but for the purposes of this blog, I will just focus on health.

Soooo, we are all just getting older….every day.  The time will pass whether we want it to or not.  So, if we choose to do nothing to improve our health (or worse, do things to diminish it), we will never improve.

So, a month (or year, or however long) from now, do you want to look back and say, “Awesome, I really worked hard and I can definitely feel and see the difference!!  Yay!”  Or, do you just want to be frustrated once again that you can’t seem to get a handle on your health, weight, sleep habits, etc.?

Ask yourself, “Does my life control me???”  or “Am I controlling my life?”  If you need to make changes, make them!!!  If you mess up, that’s okay; in fact, it’s expected!  Just get right back to work!

Make your life what YOU want it to me!

Make it happen.

Sacrifice as necessary.

You will never regret it!

There, those are some of the thoughts I had.

I need to constantly remind myself and recommit myself every day!!

I mess up all the time!

But, I think I’m slowly, but surely making progress.

Here’s a little motivational thingy I found on the web…

Love it, so true.
Hope you all are doing well and living life to the fullest!!

Why or Why Not??

When life gets crazy and I feel overwhelmed, stressed, ornery, and just worn out….

I sometimes ask myself,


“Why do I strive so hard to live a healthy lifestyle??”


Sometimes I just want to eat whatever sounds good and exercise if I feel like it!

It would really simplify my life.


But, then I realize all of the many reasons why I LOVE to eat well and exercise regularly!

I love it.

I really do.

It is tough and it does take time, commitment and dedication.

But, it’s worth it….
for so many reasons.

In fact, a while back I made a list of all the reasons why I try to live a healthy lifestyle.

In times of stress and frustation, I take a minute and look over my list.

It helps keep things in perspective and usually gives me the boost I need.


So, in case you wanna know,

Here’s MY list….


  • I will feel a sense of accomplishment and self discipline.
  • I will have more energy and be more productive.
  • I will be a good example of health to my children.
  • I will have a healthier body; heart, muscles, mind, skin….the whole shebang.
  • I will lower my risk for a million terrible diseases.
  • I will like the way I look and feel more confident.
  • It will be fun to shop for cute clothes (sounds silly, but it is motivating!)
  • I will be more attractive to my husband.  Btw, Kev always makes me feel loved no matter what, but I feel like I owe it to him to take care of myself and not just “let myself go”.  That’s a hard one to explain, so I hope you catch my drift. 😉
  • I will live a longer and higher quality life.
  • I will sleep better.
  • I will relieve stress.
  • I will be more optimistic and happy.
  • I will age gracefully; better joints, strength, bones, skin, balance, etc.
  • I will have a stronger immune system.

Well, that’s my little list.

I’m sure there are a million more reasons too.


K, just for fun, I compiled a list of the advantages of not living a healthy lifestyle.

Here ya go,

  • I get to enjoy my favorite yummy food whenever I want.  Yum.
  • I will have a lot more time on my hands (no exercise, planning and making meals, etc.)
  • I won’t feel disappointed when I “fall off the wagon” or don’t reach my goals.

K, sadly, that’s all I could come up with.



I never really thought about it that way.

There are a million reasons why we should take the time and effort to take care of our bodies!

It is hard.

It is tough.

But, so what.